The AskUI-Runner is a self-hosted component that downloads your workflows from AskUI Studio and runs them on the device it is hosted at. Internally it uses the AskUI SDK which connects to the Remote Device Controller.

If you want to execute your workflows defined in AskUI Studio in your own environment instead of with AskUI-hosted runners, this page will help you set it up.

Architecture drawing how the AskUI-Runner fits into AskUI Studio, AskUI SDK and AskUI Remote Device Controller. The AskUI-Runner fetches Workflows from AskUI Studio and uploads the results back to it. The Runner uses the AskUI SDK which passes the instructions from the workflow steps to the AskUI Remote Device Controller.

Architecture drawing how the AskUI-Runner fits into AskUI Studio, AskUI SDK and AskUI Remote Device Controller. The AskUI-Runner fetches Workflows from AskUI Studio and uploads the results back to it. The Runner uses the AskUI SDK which passes the instructions from the workflow steps to the AskUI Remote Device Controller.



AskUI-StartRunner Command

The Askui-StartRunner command starts the AskUI-Runner. This function accepts the following parameters:

Linux and macOS

‼️ Important note: Installing and running your own AskUI Runner requires you to know your way around the command line and be comfortable with developer tools like Python, Node and YAML.

If you are working in an enterprise environment where your device is managed and access to internet is routed through a proxy; Our Enterprise Checklist will help you to set up all the requirements.

In case you need help do not hesitate to contact us!