The controlui-runner consists of two main components: controlui-server and controlui-client. The controlui-server acts as a control server, which takes screenshots, records the screen and controls the keyboard and mouse. Additionally, it starts a websocket connection on host and port 6769 to allow controls from the controlui-client. The server can be controlled over the controlui protocol (CUP).The controlui-client creates the execution, runs the steps against the controlui-server and uploads the results.

Controlui Server

The controlui-server is a desktop application and consists of only one window and the tray.

<aside> ℹ️ Only on screen can be automated in a multi screen environment


Supported Operating Systems:


Here you can download the controlui-server binaries:


Untitled Database


Untitled Database


Start controlui-server and select screen

  1. Open controlui-server.*

  2. Application shows all connected screens:

  3. Click on “Screen 0” → Application minimizes and is available as a tray icon.

    1. Stop Recording: Unselect a screen
    2. Show: Opens window again
    3. Quit: Closes the control-server

Commandline Interface